Four Tips for Learning 2–3 Languages Simultaneously | Effective Language Learning to Become Multilingual

Language learning tips for English speakers

Learning multiple languages at the same time is an attractive challenge for many language learners. However, without the right approach, it can lead to confusion and make effective learning difficult.

Having learned eight languages myself, I will share some tips on how to effectively progress in learning multiple languages simultaneously without getting confused.

1. Avoid Learning Languages of the Same Proficiency Level at the Same Time

First and foremost, it is important not to learn similar languages simultaneously.

When studying languages that are similar to each other, confusion can easily occur. For example, Spanish and Portuguese are very similar, and if you learn them at the same time, you might mix up grammar and vocabulary.

To avoid such situations, it is effective to choose languages from different families. For instance, learning French and Chinese, which have completely different structures and pronunciations, allows your brain to process each language separately, reducing confusion.

2. Reach CEFR B2 Level in One Language Before Moving on to Another

If you want to learn similar languages, such as Spanish and Portuguese, simultaneously, I recommend reaching CEFR B2 level in one language before starting to learn the other.

Once you reach B2 level, you will have a solid foundation in that language, making it less likely to mix with another language.

Additionally, as many polyglots (people who speak four or more languages) suggest, once you reach B2 level, even if you don’t use the language for a while, it becomes less likely to be forgotten.

By considering the progression stage of language learning and challenging yourself to learn a new language accordingly, you can proceed with multilingual learning efficiently and effectively.

3. Don’t Alternate Languages Daily

If you insist on learning multiple languages of the same proficiency level, it’s better not to alternate the languages on different days. Instead, try learning multiple languages little by little within the same day.

Spacing out the study of each language makes it easier to forget the language learned the previous time, and it becomes more likely to mix with other languages when you revisit it.

For instance, you can study French in the morning and Chinese in the afternoon, thereby sharpening your memory and avoiding confusion between languages.

4. Use Dedicated Space and Develop Metacognitive Awareness

Furthermore, I recommend using dedicated notebooks or digital tools for each language you study.

This makes it easier to organize information for each language and helps prevent confusion.

Additionally, developing metacognitive awareness by consciously recognizing “which language you are learning” during study is crucial. This helps your brain organize languages more effectively, enhancing your ability to learn multiple languages efficiently.


Learning multiple languages simultaneously can be a fun and rewarding endeavor if approached effectively. The most important thing is to consider the level and nature of the languages you’re learning and choose the appropriate approach.

By selecting languages from different families, reaching B2 level in one language before moving on to another, and studying multiple languages a little at a time within the same day, you can avoid confusion and efficiently work towards becoming multilingual. Use these tips to enjoy your multilingual learning journey!

